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Michael Rakowitz in "BUILDING/ENVIRONMENTS" at Smart Museum of Art

paraSITE, 1998

paraSITE, 1998

Michael Rakowitz's work "paraSITE," 1998 is part of the Building/Environments exhibition at the Smart Museum of Art through January 28, 2018. 

Presented in conjunction with the Chicago Architecture Biennial, this show explores the relationship between art and the built environment—the everyday structures we have built around us.

Building/Environments offers a significant reconfiguration of the Smart’s collection as well as our own interior environment, opening up new perspectives on beloved artists and art objects. It mixes approximately 100 works from across eras, cultures, and media to question the ways we occupy and perceive the built environment. The objects are loosely organized into three thematic sections that look at cities and urban spaces; household objects and domestic spaces; and utopian visions.